Thursday, November 5, 2009

Unexpected Discovery

I was looking thorugh old diaries, trying to find a poem I wrote about my best friend (and plutonic soulmate) about a year ago. Instead I found this extract I recorded from a dream I had. I don't remember the "asking", but I felt I was seeking answers in my life abnd the life of my closest friend. This was the response from an old American-Indian medicine woman whose words were translated by a younger female relative of the tribe:

"You come from a time and place that does not respect age.

You are at your peak; and you are beautiful. If you waste this, you will have nothing

You need to believe or you will destroy yourself

**** we can not help- we just give her refuge; let her rest"

**** is my best friend but for respect I omit her name. And in relation to her, I am glad I "let her rest" I have only wanted her happiness and worried not about where her road would take her. I know that she will always grow and that road will always lead back to me.

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