Monday, November 9, 2009

Em dep lum

Tonight I leave a world behind
Encapsulation of twenty six years
To leap forward to the world beyond
And cast away old shadows

New Taste, New Experience
New Vigour
Old Dreams rise refreshed
New aspirations blooming like Spring Time

Winter has passed;
And Spring has burst forth with new colour
A vibrancy unmatched in all these years
Respect for age and time
And faith in true beauty now found

Temples to offer worship
New understandings of all that has come to pass;
And all there is to come
To see bounty in serenity
And what a gift it is to be human

Spirit is what drives us onward
From the smallest adversities to the largest wars
It is what we take with us on our journeys
rebuild, renew, regenerate
And share the prosperity

I stand, ready to be humbled
And truely be grateful for the privileged life I lead
Theoretical understanding
Can never replaced the lessons of what is seen,
thought and felt

On this journey I leave behind I world I've known
And for too long being comfortable
It is time to clear out old ideals,
Addictions to comfort
That stifle the creative energy

Goodbye old life, I doubt I will miss you

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