Saturday, October 31, 2009

To Sam

I am glad I am the breeze in your life I always intended
Brisk but uplifting
A refreshing breathe in an ordinary life

I longed to leave no trace;
Just only fond memories
Of distant times where we were all just finding our place

All I foreaw is coming to fruition
And you will bask in a love you truely derserve

For I have been always been a wind
Transient and distant;
Though potent in your memories, there is little evidence of my existence

I am thankful for our regenerated friendship
Knowing now my winds are due to change
My face may give no clue to what is coming
But this breeze is destine for distant shores.

I stand here on the brink of our final days
And smile knowing all that we have achieved
Few can suffer the howling winds of winter
To see the beauty of a new Spring Day

I give love to you and all that you have been
You have found your Juliet and I have found the East
Although we cannot change the past
We have rewritten the future

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