Friday, November 27, 2009

Bold In Love

The exterior is merely a reflection
Of waters that flow within
A ripple effect of the mind's journey
Through space and time
And footsteps from the past

The body;
merely a vessel
Is no representation
of worth
Or the value I bring to this world

It carries me on my journey
Taking the earthly steps the soul cannot tread
Giving the mind refuge;
And a pedestal
A home for the spirit to live

The way I feel is what matters;
The choices I make
And the thoughts I allow to linger
Are true determinations
The measure of my character

The past does not matter;
The future is yet to exist
It is the love that I give
Right here and now
That generates the peace I seek

It is time to dispense old habits
Old methods;
Old means;
Old measures of self evaluation
Based on arbitrary standards

I am as free as I allow myself
My consciousness expanding
With each breathe; each heartbeat
The more I realise I am a gift to this world
I more I can keep giving

I say goodbye to the Miser
And cleanse my entity of its toxic past
Shedding it like dead skin
I now step into my destiny; my nameskae
And will be Bold In Love

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