Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Last Two Steps of a Thousand Mile Journey

Honey, to get in touch with myself
I need to tear myself apart
Strip myself bear
So I stand naked with beauty

I need to rip away every layer
Pierce my eyes through to my very core
And when my gaze finally rests
I see you.

I want some many things;
Have so many dreams
But for fear alone
I envisioned their achievement on my own.

Yet; there are still mountains
I need to conquer
Fears I need to quench
With the sweat from my own brow.

You are forever in my sights
But my past I need to reconcile
There were paths laid
Before the one that lead me to you.

Sometimes I feel wrong wanting solitude
When I ache for you
I feel the need to tear away and draw close
The answers are clear but I not the eyes to see them.

There are questions I need answered
Posed long before the ultimate question presented itself
I love you till the breadth of every ocean;
But the oceans still exists.

I cannot love you fully
Until I know myself;
Know why I suffered anger, hunger and pain
Till your face quelled my anxiety.

It would be so simple to accept
The majesty of your love; and all you bring
But I never want to cast my mind back
And say
Why was I left wanting?

There are simple truths;
You are my alpha; my omega,
My divine and pure guiding light
And before this life and others, to you I was betroved

But at one time I longed for another
And before that I hated the taste
Of my own skin.
These journeys need an ending

And now my feet feel an itch like no other
For months it has clawed at my soul
There are things that need to be finished
There is knowledge I need to know

And now all road lead to home,
To you; and the destiny beyond
There are ties that need to be tied
And ropes that need to be undone

You are a selfless man
And to my needs I know you understand
To bend; to weave; tie yourself in knots if I proceed
Bathed in the thickness of your love

My love you know is nothing-
Pale and sickly
Like a child that has never seen the sun.
But you will see the sun

I breach the end of a year in transition
And see the many lessons
Laid bare at my feet
And see the light of completion

The time between us is infinite and short
My love complete and self doubt fading
With these steps
I will cement my love

I want your children, your family
Your brights and your burdens
I am your complete
But there is so little at my feet

The past is almost faded
And myself no longer jaded
By love’s pure and guiding light
I see you; my god I see you

Know the leave I take
Is to bring me closer to you
So I might surrender my self completely
To your intoxicating wish

To the pitter patter of little feet
To burgeoning careers symbiotic and complete
To simple joys and dancing smiles
I will cry for you
But only because I have found you;
You found me
And I have waited for you all my lives
Please wait for me a few more days
And I will repay you more than you can say

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