Saturday, September 18, 2010

23 April 2010

The mortal pleasures no longer move me,
Nor my hand to prose
For I can not lay with another
Thou in my heart I ache to be held
Fore it will be a waste
A moment sullied with impatience
In which I could not wait for my love

I am a woman
Bereft of love’s embrace
Longing; lingering
Till I shall taste love’s kiss upon my lips
And open my eyes anew
To see the world in vibrant colour
To dance in time with love’s beat drumming

No longer alone, no longer searching
I will take my leave of a melancholy existence
Where I sat in patience for love’s embrace
Chaste; unseeing to the eyes that lingered upon me
Fore it is not their gaze that I deserve
Nor their hand or flesh upon my own
The thought alone will tarnish my virtue

My desserts; just and simple; is love
In all its glory
Beauteous; unwavering; kind
To intoxicate, ensnare and bewitch my every sense

I am locked between two worlds
One I cannot return
And another I am not yet invited
Though my patience wears thin
I will suffer in silence obligingly

I know you intimately
And long with you to be reunited
Though, in this life, we have not met
I will not trifle with another
Until my gaze falls upon yours
Where, in your eyes, I see recognition
And before them picture of our future, our story unfolding
Perfect moments suspended in time
Before the space between us is closed
Before you utter the words
I have found you
And where I whisper
I am yours

1 comment:

  1. I have met you now and I am complete. I do not mistake the majesty that I am but you are the colour to my masterpiece.
