Saturday, September 18, 2010

"FUF" Poetry Slam 2010

The next poem is entitled "FUF" meaning fuck you flow. There has been some additions since the reading at the poetry slam at the state library this year in August, but here it is

This is for my girls
Stepping to and fro
Toe to toe
With the monthly flow

You know flow? that bitch
With every hip switch
She makes you itch
And on a monthly basis
Makes you lose you shit

So when you see her say "FUF"
you know- FUF?

Fuck you flow
You make me crazy...
Like a cow;

Like a cow, mad with disease
Down on bended knees
Praying to God "please-
Make me a bulldozer"

Like some skittish cow
Cowering in the corner of the milking shed
Feeling abuse; confused; mistreated; misled,
When hormones and despair inside me ripple;
To find...

I am crippled
By surperfluous nipples

Looking down at her udders in utter dismay
Screaming "God! Why did you make me this way?
What did I do to deserve this-
I mean, what am I mean to do with four tits?"
I look like I am the victim of nipple weights
Their purpose I am still yet to contemplate

"So God, instead of doing me me over
Why; oh why not make me a bulldozer?
Something of use? Something of purpose?
Some reason to be on this earth's surface?
Something poignant? Something real?

I'm Sorry...
I want to be the Hindu cow
You know-
The one that's totally at peace
With being a walking tray of meats

But I am not

I am not that cow

I am the crazy one;
The one you should never give a gun...

'Cause I'd rock up into McDonald's
With that gun thrust in the cashier's face
Saying "Pickle? [crazy, long laugh] Pickle?!?!
You want to know about a pickle!?!

I am a woman who thinks she is a cow
Who wants to be a bulldozer
Waiting all this time for old Mcdonald
To tell me to bend over
And you know what-
I am going to need more than fries with that"

So, Flow;
Fuck you Flow

Just five more days to go

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