Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Year of the Phoneix

Well another year has rolled around, and I mean it is rolling - it is already March and there is already a mammoth list to be achieved this year and things have been achieved that I didn't even dare to dream could be possible

But as usual, I get ahead of myself. I feel before the new, there is a time to reflect on the old.

2010 was a magical yet difficult year. For those that follow my blog I am sure you remember the "growth" period I went through that showed prosperity through adversity. Basically, I went through a lot of shit. But through all of it has come growth and a list of achievements, the magnitude of which I still bork at.

"So...?" you are wondering, what did I actually do. Well here is the 2010 list in reflection:

* Perform in the Poetry Slam -

Yes I got up in front of a large number of people and delivered a passionate recount of the throws of a woman in her menstrual flows... through the conduit of a woman who thinks she is a cow that dreams of being a bulldozer. Yes it is strange, and yes it is just the type of lunacy that the average woman feel when she is in the grips of menstrual hormones. But it went down well. Sure I didn't win, but my highest score was 9/10 which I am proud of. Will I do it again this year? Probably - my only issue is how do you top a woman that thinks she is a cow wishing to be a bulldozer?

* Make the world a better place -

Well this goal is one of great lengths measured in small strides. It is not on objective for a year but for a lifetime. So far my charitable exploits have seen me supporting groups such as Amnesty International, Canteen, Autism Queensland and Life Education. And this year is only going to get bigger!

I am now a part of the APHEDA Qld committee which is Union aid abroad - fighting for workers right across the world not just in any one locality. They also raise funds for people in crisis such as with previous events support the Pakistan Floods. This is an organisation that had its begins in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon in 1984.

I will also being completing the Brisbane Bike Ride, raising funds for [ ]. I will again challenge myself to the Bridge to Brisbane, raising funds for [ ]. My support of Amnesty will continue and have recently committed my support of WSPA (World Society for the protection of animals)

I am also volunteering in Vanuatu in April with underprivileged children and assist with medical and educational assistance to rural communities. The shoot off of this is A.S.P.I.R.E - a bike riding adventure around the WHOLE of New Zealand to raise funds to build a full functional aid post in Vanuatu that is accessible to all the rural communities there.

That I am also part of the Social Justice Practice of Maurice Blackburn... so it is going to be a big year.

* Reduce my carbon footprint

Well this one whilst I have made little efforts here and there myself, has largely been done by my employer. Maurice blackburn has just become carbon neutral - all offices in all states. Can you believe it? We might not be able to rid the world of flatulent cattle but I think it is pretty cool that a national firm cares enough to do this - bravo

* Write a book

Like all things, this one is matter of progress. I am writing, I have characters and a storyline of sorts but since it is a story of personal evolution, albeit through psychosis, there is more experiences to be had before this can come into fruition - keep tuned.

* Land the ultimate dream job that incorporates my degree and travelling

Sorry to disappoint you kiddies, I am living the dream - working for a socially responsible law firm that is posting me all over Queensland in its various offices and getting paid well for it. Soon I will be in Sunny Mooroochydore, surfing before work - all expenses paid. And the sky is the limit from here on in.

* Learn to Dance - Hip Hop

I hipped, I hopped, I beeped and I bopped. I danced the shit out of it. Am I proficient? No. Did I have HEAPS OF FUN? Yes! Am I going back? can I get a Hell Yes!

* Learn to surf

You are looking at the owner of a beautiful 8 ft 9in malibu called mimi (or Marley depending on the day). Like the Hip Hop answer above - I sure as hell am not proficient by any stretch of the imagination. But do I try my guts out? Yes. Do I keep going back out into the ocean when Huey (surf god) pounds into me into modesty? Yes again. Do I have fun - well that is my issue by needing to be perfect. I feel more frustration at times than fun, but I am getting there. When you catch a wave, do a little turn and ride that sucker in - yeah I am having mundo fun.

* Cut off my hair

For 10 years or so I had hair done to my bum and it defined me. I was almost like a pet when so many people would preen over me and pat my hair - NO more! The hair is above my ears and looking funky as hell - as has been for the last year

* Be sober for a year (again)

Believe it or not I did it and raised almost $1000 for Life Education Australia. there you go kiddies -Happy healthy Harrold is still coming to a school near you!

* Give my last dollar to someone who needs it more

Call me a cheater, I did this already when I was in Vietnam, but I try and keep it as a goal to remember just how fortunate I am for the love, support and the means which I possess.

* Climb a mountain

I climbed a freakin mountain. And not just climbed it - free climbed it. In the Glasshouse Mountains, North of Brisbane is where we lay our scene. Trying to impress my then new boyfriend Liam, I surprised him with a camping trip while the promise he could climb whatever he liked - it turned out to be the biggest mountain in the ranges, Mount Triprogahgan (Sorry to the spelling police this is probably not the correct spelling). And I am happy to say that I made it. The next ambition is to climb Liam's favourite mountain... in Africa... the world's 4th highest mountain... yeah I am in trouble!

* Go skydiving

Over Wollongong in NSW, Liam and I jumped from 14 000 ft and scared the absolute sh*t out of myself but then had the time of my life! Not only am I doing it again but I am taking my mum for her birthday in October... bring it kiddies

* Run 10km for charity

As mentioned before I ran 10km in the Bridge to Brisbane 2010 for Autism Queensland... and i did it it just over an hour! I surprised even myself!

On top of this list, I achieve one major thing that I was too scared to even put on the list:

Become the first trainee lawyer to be running her own files by the end of my traineeship - I did this before I officially started my traineeship!

Which brings me to the final thought - be careful what you wish for, because you will get it... without doubt. First I was ridiculously stocked, then I was ridiculously stressed and now I am cruising (until tomorrow- added by Liam and confirmed by myself) - busy is how my work is, how I deal with it is up to me and after all the meltdowns at the beginning, I am doing well.

So kiddies it is a wrap - 2010 was a fruitful year and keep posted because, as the year of the Phoneix - it is going to be HUGE xoxo
So love and