Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Not so long to go

The roads we travel intermingle
Like reeds on the ocean floor
Swaying and flowing
Together and Alone

We are propelled by the same forces
Prone to change
Ebb and Flow
In the course of cosmic energy

But it is now that our eyes are open
And we observe the patterns of the waves
We see the currents; the rips; the gutters
And see the entirety of it all

We are not isolated beings
Transient and berieft of meaning
But conscious souls
Seeking the questions to the answers we already know

And those questions can be answered by another
Nor can answers posed be digested without inner will
I chose, I feel, I ponder
And no-one else can do that for me

The paths we take may vary
But the course we seek is the same
The inner journey; destination of the soul
Personal acceptance of the beauty we behold